Webinar: Some insights into COP 28 – What is happening on the ground?

On December 8th, an hour of informal conversation with activists on the ground at COP28.

How does militarism escalate climate breakdown? What has antimilitarism got to do with climate justice?

From the exemption of military emissions from carbon reduction targets, to military spending as a driver of emissions and diverter of climate finance. From intensifying military forms of greenwashing to organised violence used to enforce ecocide and police environmental defenders… The links are many and in dire need of addressing.

Live from Dubai, they will tell us about their efforts to move military issues up the climate agenda, and to foreground demilitarisation as a strategy for climate justice.

With amongst others:

Deborah Burton (Tipping Point North South),
Mitzi Jonelle Tan (Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines),
Nesmah Mansoor Ali (Yemeni Peace Track Initiative),
Nico Edwards (Scientists for Global Responsibility),
Rula Asad (Syrian Female Journalists Network).

The event is organized by: International Peace Bureau, Tipping Point North South, Transnational Institute (TNI), Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR), Stop Wapenhandel, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF).