Did bombing during second world war cool global temperatures?

https://www.carbonbrief.org/guest-post-did-bombing-during-second-world-war-cool-global-temperature While the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki – on 6 and 9 August 1945, respectively – have gone down in history as the first use of nuclear weapons in warfare, what is less well known is that they were part of a larger bombing campaign by US B-29 Superfortress bombers. Between 3 … Continue reading Did bombing during second world war cool global temperatures?

Brexit: increase in military cooperation between Japan and UK

http://www.inthelongrun.org/articles/article/brexit-the-view-from-japan-or-the-tokyo-consensus Since the United Kingdom chose to leave the EU, a new consensus has emerged amongst Tokyo-based policymakers, such as members of Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and those close to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, myself included. Call it the 'Tokyo Consensus'. It assumes that, as far as Japan’s national interest is concerned, Brexit may … Continue reading Brexit: increase in military cooperation between Japan and UK